Green Roof tops

Imagine If ... there was a connected green corridor at roof level for bees and birds to travel around the city without navigating the hard landscaping on street level. Existing buildings in the city could install green rooftops to create a pollination highway for bees with bee hives placed along it.

Rooftops could also be used as private gardens with a view where residents may not have access to a private garden at ground level. They might provide a growing space or a much-needed sun trap to relax in at the end of the day.

Green roofs can reduce rainfall from entering our drainage systems and slow surface water run off which can reduce flooding and overflow in our sewage systems.

Some Interesting reads about green corridors at roof level:

Storm Water Run Off – Green infrastructure stemming the flow in cities

16 Spectacular Green Roofs Around the World

Creating urban green infrastructure where it is needed – A spatial ecosystem service-based decision analysis of green roofs in Barcelona

Designing Green Corridors Network Within Cities: A Case Study in Vienna

Green Roofs for Stormwater Runoff Control


If you have found a space to re-imagine, check out our how to guide here.