(Re)Placement: Procuring Permanence in the City

Imagine If... the empty spaces in town were re-purposed for community good.

This re-imagination of the former BHS department store at 64 Princes Street, Edinburgh, highlights a phenomenon of empty spaces appearing across Edinburgh city centre.

The project aims to identify and utilise a perceived condition of ‘emptiness’ in the New Town to create a vibrant, diverse and socially sustainable community centred in the heart of the city of Edinburgh, in response to a lack of current community provision, a low resident population and a current skew towards consumer and tourist-based interests.

The project seizes upon pre-existing challenges that have been accelerated by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the widespread closing of high street retail units and the abandonment of luxury Airbnbs, and seeks to turn these into opportunities for housing, leisure and work provision, with a focus on re-integrating and accommodating the needs of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable populations, such as those experiencing homelessness.

Re-imagined by Caitlin MacLeod during her Part 2 Architecture degree at University of Edinburgh in 2021. To find out what Caitlin is up to now click here.

64 Princes Street, Edinburgh re-imagined by Caitlin MacLeod

64 Princes Street, Edinburgh re-imagined by Caitlin MacLeod

64 Princes Street, Edinburgh re-imagined by Caitlin MacLeod

64 Princes Street, Edinburgh re-imagined by Caitlin MacLeod

Former BHS department store at 64 Princes Street, Edinburgh (Photos by Caitlin MacLeod)

Caitlin’s re-imagination of the former BHS building provides some much needed solutions to a growing issue within Edinburgh City Centre.


Do you know a space like this that needs some re-imagining? If yes, check out our how to guide here.